ERV News

The latest from our portfolio

Delom Mesfun

7+ years experience in Accounting & Finance. Previously worked across different industries including non profit in varied Finance related roles.

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Carolyn Kim

7+ years of experience in business advisory and commercial accounting in VC, portfolio investment, construction and retail Expertise in budgeting and forecasting, financial and management accounting and delivering tax and business support Experienced in driving systems implementation and overseeing outsourced finance functions to ensure smooth business operations

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Dr. Mark Selby

Over 20 years of experience in clean energy technology and innovation. Chief Growth Officer at Ceres Power, leading the commercialisation of advanced energy technology solutions. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and MacRobert Award winner for engineering innovation. Venture Partner at ERV, blending technical expertise, strategic vision, and business leadership to commercialise breakthrough technologies.

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Jeremy Ip

20+ years global investor experience Managing Director & Head of Sustainable Investing at Mount Logan Capital Ltd, Chief Executive Officer at Newfound International Past roles in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and Vice President at JPMorgan Chase Bank

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James Mallinson

Over 25 years in early stage technology investing Partner at Oxford Investment Consultants LLP; 15 years managing the spinout investment portfolio at the University of Oxford MBA from Cranfield University, engineering graduate from University of Oxford  

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Alex Lowrie

Experienced NED and Board Advisor to multiple companies in the critical metal & clean tech sector Investment Banking background with Tier 1 institutions focussed on global primary and secondary capital markets Early stage Angel investor working closely with individuals and Family Offices to provide capital to start up companies.

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Adonis Pouroulis

Engineer and Entrepreneur with >25 years mining and energy sector experience Founder & Chairman of Pella Resources, CEO of Chariot Energy, affiliated with Tharisa, Petra Diamonds and Rainbow Rare Earths First Angel investor in Li-Cycle & Li-Metal, raised >USD 2B in capital for investment companies

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