ERV News

The latest from our portfolio

Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): MOFing Towards a Sustainable Future

In April 2023 the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, revealed that the forthcoming budget will feature a £20 billion [1] ($24 billion) investment scheme for carbon capture initiatives. This represents the single largest ever investment in these technologies anywhere in the world outside of the United States aimed at catalysing new solutions to […]

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Accelerating the Pathway to Scalable, Cheap & Clean Green Hydrogen Production

The global community has set out on a mission to reduce carbon emissions, and renewable energy sources are emerging as the most cost-effective means of generating new energy worldwide. However, not all applications are suitable for renewable energy or direct electrification. Hydrogen and green molecules (such as ammonia and methanol produced from hydrogen) will play […]

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Quino Energy: Go with the Flow

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that by 2030, we'll see an incredible 350% increase in global renewable energy generation capacity of 12,600 GW from the current level of about 2,800 GW.

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Shaping the Future of Energy Storage with Revolutionary Battery Technology

The world is going electric. As the world shifts towards electrification of end-uses such as vehicles, heating, and storage to support intermittent renewables, the need for efficient and reliable energy storage solutions has become increasingly pressing.

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